
Ajith Mannapperuma
61 years old

Member of Parliament (MP) from the Gampaha district

Icon_unp  United National Party - NDF


[email protected]


Overall Rank


Participated in parliament


Topics participated in



Overall score and rank by topic category

Topic Category Rank
Home and Foreign Affairs (51.23)
Rank #27
Governance, Security and Rights (55.02)
Rank #27
Economy and Infrastructure (38.07)
Rank #32


Top 3 ranking sub-topics

Topic Rank
Science, Technology & Research (79.89)
Rank #2
Transport (56.35)
Rank #6
Agriculture (53.81)
Rank #9

Good - Points more than 70

Average - Points 30 - 69

Poor - Points less than 30


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Topics participated in Rank
Science, Technology & Research (79.89)
Rank #2
Transport (56.35)
Rank #6
Agriculture (53.81)
Rank #9
Parliamentary Affairs (63.36)
Rank #12
Public Administration (70.68)
Rank #13
Trade & Industry (44.52)
Rank #17
Construction & Housing (26.41)
Rank #19
Education (39.86)
Rank #21
Livestock (20.48)
Rank #23
Good Governance (15.29)
Rank #23
Fisheries (22.3)
Rank #23
Environment (24.3)
Rank #24
Health (21.6)
Rank #24
Sports (19.42)
Rank #24
Justice (41.73)
Rank #25
Local Government & Provincial Councils (32.25)
Rank #26
Land (33.76)
Rank #27
Media (17.08)
Rank #40
Petroleum, Power & Energy (18.7)
Rank #41
Labour (22.65)
Rank #46
Water Supply and Drainage (6.34)
Rank #52
Finance (27.28)
Rank #53
Plantation Industries (2.78)
Rank #63
Accountability (1.58)
Rank #116
General Administration (1.78)
Rank #136

Topics not participated in Rank
Economic Development (0.0)
Children / Women / Elders Rights (0.0)
Foreign Affairs (0.0)
National Heritage / Culture (0.0)
Social Services (0.0)
Human Rights (0.0)
Tourism (0.0)
Religion (0.0)
Reconciliation / National Integration (0.0)
Disaster Management (0.0)
Internal Security (0.0)
Parliamentary Appreciations (0.0)
Postal & Telecommunication Services (0.0)
Rural Affairs (0.0)
Youth Affairs (0.0)
Resettlement (0.0)
Ports and Aviation (0.0)




Hansard code & date Method of contribution Topic Page number
231-12 (2014-11-17) Bill / Regulation / Order - Debate Oral Contribution Education Page 72.0
231-9 (2014-11-13) Bill / Regulation / Order - Debate Oral Contribution Finance Page 89.0
231-5 (2014-11-08) Bill / Regulation / Order - Debate Oral Contribution Finance Page 73.0
231-4 (2014-11-07) Bill / Regulation / Order - Debate Oral Contribution Finance Page 75.0
229-2 (2014-09-10) Written Question Justice Page 51.0
228-7 (2014-08-21) Adjournment Motion - Oral Contribution Public Administration Page 69.0
228-5 (2014-08-19) Bill / Regulation / Order - Debate Oral Contribution Justice Page 54.0
228-4 (2014-08-08) Core Statement Livestock Page 41.0
228-4 (2014-08-08) Core Statement Justice Page 28.0
228-3 (2014-08-07) Bill / Regulation / Order - Debate Oral Contribution Land Page 54.0
227-8 (2014-07-25) Written Question - Follow up question / Contribution Education Page 19.0
227-8 (2014-07-25) Written Question - Follow up question / Contribution Education Page 19.0
227-8 (2014-07-25) Written Question Education Page 16.0
227-8 (2014-07-25) Written Question - Follow up question / Contribution Education Page 18.0
227-7 (2014-07-24) Written Question - Follow up question / Contribution Health Page 18.0
227-7 (2014-07-24) Written Question - Follow up question / Contribution Health Page 18.0
227-7 (2014-07-24) Written Question Health Page 16.0
227-7 (2014-07-24) Written Question - Follow up question / Contribution Health Page 18.0
227-5 (2014-07-22) Bill / Regulation / Order - Debate Oral Contribution Agriculture Page 49.0
227-5 (2014-07-22) Written Question Water Supply and Drainage Page 26.0
227-5 (2014-07-22) Written Question - Follow up question / Contribution Water Supply and Drainage Page 26.0
227-4 (2014-07-11) Bill / Regulation / Order - Debate Oral Contribution Science, Technology & Research Page 42.0
227-3 (2014-07-10) Written Question - Follow up question / Contribution Transport Page 22.0
227-3 (2014-07-10) Written Question Transport Page 19.0
227-3 (2014-07-10) Written Question - Follow up question / Contribution Transport Page 21.0
227-2 (2014-07-09) Written Question - Follow up question / Contribution Transport Page 17.0
227-2 (2014-07-09) Written Question Finance Page 16.0
227-2 (2014-07-09) Written Question - Follow up question / Contribution Transport Page 16.0
227-1 (2014-07-08) Bill / Regulation / Order - Debate Oral Contribution Transport Page 142.0
226-7 (2014-06-19) Written Question - Follow up question / Contribution Transport Page 17.0
226-7 (2014-06-19) Petitions Page 10.0
226-7 (2014-06-19) Written Question - Follow up question / Contribution Transport Page 16.0
226-7 (2014-06-19) Written Question - Follow up question / Contribution Transport Page 16.0
226-7 (2014-06-19) Petitions Page 10.0
226-4 (2014-06-06) Oral Contribution Education Page 49.0
226-4 (2014-06-06) Oral Contribution Education Page 58.0
226-1 (2014-06-03) Bill / Regulation / Order - Debate Oral Contribution Agriculture Page 151.0
225-7 (2014-05-22) Core Statement Finance Page 69.0
225-4 (2014-05-09) Core Statement Labour Page 29.0
225-4 (2014-05-09) Point of Order - Other Page 38.0
225-3 (2014-05-08) Adjournment Motion - Oral Contribution Environment Page 68.0
225-1 (2014-05-06) Bill / Regulation / Order - Debate Oral Contribution Transport Page 132.0
224-13 (2014-04-25) Expunged Statement Page 50.0
224-13 (2014-04-25) Bill / Regulation / Order - Debate Oral Contribution Trade & Industry Page 78.0
224-13 (2014-04-25) Oral Contribution Transport Page 36.0
224-9 (2014-04-08) Bill / Regulation / Order - Debate Oral Contribution Finance Page 53.0
224-7 (2014-03-20) Bill / Regulation / Order - Debate Oral Contribution Health Page 23.0
224-6 (2014-03-19) Written Question - Follow up question / Contribution Good Governance Page 20.0
224-5 (2014-03-18) Oral Contribution Good Governance Page 42.0
224-5 (2014-03-18) Petitions Page 7.0

Latest 50 activities are shown here.





Date Of Birth: 1963-06-25
Gender: male






Terms in parliament


Duration Party or Coalition
(n/a) to present United National Party, NDF,



Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0332231468
Office address: No. 27,Parakrama Road,Gampaha.




No data available



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